Wednesday, October 23

Insights into the Rising Dominance of Microservices Architecture: Kamna Pandey, Head of Digital Experience at MAST Consulting Group

In today’s fast-evolving software development landscape, microservices architecture has gained significant attention as businesses want their digital systems to be flexible, scalable, and strong. In this article, Kamna Pandey, who leads digital experience at MAST Consulting Group, gives her thoughts on microservices and how they affect software development today.

Recent market reports that the growth of the cloud microservices market is accelerating. They predict the CAGR will surpass through 2026, adding $1.59 billion in market value.

Kamna Pandey, Head of Digital Experience, MAST Consulting Group

Software development has always been a time taking process that requires a lot of attention to details as conveyed during Requirement Gathering Phase.

Monolithic Architecture is one such conventional approach where all the services are coupled together as an application and run as a single service.

Since all the services are linked together changing the code in one service means changing all the linked services too!

This practice is neither agile nor scalable owing to the short time frames that every sprint owes.

Micro services Architecture on the other hand, resolves such conflicts by treating every service as an individual entity, which means that if there is a change in code of one service then only that service needs to be worked upon while other services remain loosely coupled and unaffected. This approach not only save time but also provide a clarity of the process and services; hence facilitating an open platform for any new developer to understand the code better.

Microsoft Architecture consists of numerous modules treated as autonomous services. Each service is self-contained and capable of building one business feature.

Services can be deployed independently. Developer should be able to update an existing service without rebuilding and redeploying the entire application. Similar approach is considered while fixing bugs, only the concerned service is fixed, tested and deployed – saving a lot of time of the entire Software Development and Testing Team facilitating a timely delivery.

Unlike the traditional methodology where a data layer is separately staged for data persistence, Micro services provision separate data persistence for each service.

One USP that attracts Solution Architects and Developers is the easiness to combine various skills, frameworks and technology through services under Microservices Architecture.

To summarize, below are some of the key benefits of microservices architecture making it one the latest software trends in 2024:


Microservices allow for independent scaling of individual services, enabling more efficient use of resources. This means that only the components that require scaling can be expanded, rather than scaling the entire application.


Microservices enable teams to develop and deploy services independently. This leads to faster development cycles, allowing for more agile responses to changing business requirements.

Improved Deployment and Continuous Delivery:

Microservices can be deployed independently, allowing for more frequent and smaller releases. This reduces the risk associated with large, monolithic deployments.

Easier Technology Adoption:

Teams can adopt new technologies for individual microservices without requiring a complete system overhaul. This allows for the incorporation of the latest tools and frameworks.

While microservices architecture offers these benefits, it’s important to note that implementing and managing a microservices-based system also comes with challenges, such as increased complexity and the need for effective service communication and coordination.

MAST Consulting Group carefully weighs the advantages and challenges to determine if a microservices approach is suitable for your specific use cases.

Please reach out at [email protected] for more queries.
